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  • strwrsfrk
    Apr 22, 12:53 PM
    If ditching the 320M and switching to an i-processor boosts battery life even 10%, I think it will be worth it.

    People who want to play modern games on these systems should already be aware of their limitations; sure, a graphics downgrade is a bummer, but the Intel IGP is good enough for most general productivity needs. And it's already been proven to handle 1080p out.

    The general sentiment that the 2012 will be an improvement on 100% of the internals is likely accurate. However, there are four changes that will make this a 100% buy for me:

    1) Backlit keyboard (my biggest hope).
    2) Larger SSD. 90+ GB base (128 would be most likely, I reckon), 380+ GB BTO.
    3) +10% Battery life. An extra 30 minutes to an hour would be spectacular.
    4) Core i ULM processor.

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  • iMacx
    Mar 22, 02:04 PM
    well, i guess its time to start thinking about selling my mid 2010 2.93 27" :rolleyes:

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  • j-traxx
    Apr 11, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The marantz one is, you have to pay $40 to uPgrade firmware to get AirPlay working at all. At least you did with early versions, not sure about current versions, AirPlay may work without upgrade with those.

    if you have marantz speakers...... you have 40 dollars.

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  • Tom Sawyer
    Apr 30, 07:54 PM
    Then I wouldn't plan on ever going back to an iMac.

    Definitely no plan to. Apple (SJ) is far to enamored with glossy screens to give anyone options on the large displays/iMacs. I'm still surprised they actually brought the matte option back to MBP's.

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  • shigzeo
    Apr 19, 10:45 AM
    And then Apple would ruin Samsung, cratering them with winning lawsuits. Also, Samsung would lose their reputation in the supply chain as well as their credibility, and it would likely damage the Korean economy as a whole, and South Korea politically as well. You're talking about one company causing problems for tens of millions of consumers, and a mountain of negative news. If Samsung wanted to be bankrupted within a decade, this would be a way, for sure.

    That would be true if and only IF Samsung were an electronics company only. Again, they own everything in South Korea from grocery stores to construction companies, to apartments, to cars, to electronics. The last two are their newest branches. Samsung are doing well in every sector, but you have to remember that firstly, they are a grocery company, then they are everything else.

    Samsung's total assets dwarf Apple many times over. There is no fear of them falling down (unfortunately).

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  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 9, 10:01 AM
    With the decent graphics and these C2D's they make the iMac a formiddable machine. Alot of PowerMac's are going to be replaced by these new iMac's i feel. Probably Apple's most impressive, solid and reliable machine at the moment

    Unless Leopard is designed to make full use of the extra threads/cores available on the quad-core Mac Pro. Like that OS someone mentioned earlier in the thread that saw 60-70% performance gains when the cores were doubled.

    I think the Mac Pro is fairly safe as a workstation, but fewer people will use it as a simple desktop now that iMacs are so competitive.

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  • StyxMaker
    Apr 28, 05:49 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Didn't the folks in Redmond hold a mock funeral for an iPhone a year or so ago?

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  • anthonylambert
    Apr 19, 08:02 AM
    This is the GUI wars all over again... Last time Apple sued Microsoft for copying their GUI desktop to make Windows....

    (and no Xerox didn't invent that they invented windowing not really a desktop Apple did that bit.)

    Anyway Apple lost and Microsoft took over the world while Apple dwindled to a market share of less than 5%.

    I don't think they want that to happen this time....

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  • monaarts
    Apr 4, 12:14 PM
    Breaking a glass window means you can shoot someone in the head? Wow... He may be a criminal but that doesn't mean the security guard should've shot him.

    Then what justifies being shot? If someone raped a family member of yours, they deserve to just be put in jail and get out in a few months, right? This is justified, nuff said!

    - Joe

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  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 12:06 PM
    SL has cut and paste. CMD+X, CMD+V

    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    Windows 7 is a much better OS than its predecessors, but to claim it does the "little things" better than SL is so hilarious I don't know how to respond. There is literally no consistency between anything. Just go to the Control Panel, and while clicking dialogs you will be transported between windows that look like they are modern Web Pages (especially the network panels, with blinking computers) and panels that looked like they haven't realized that Windows 95 is obsolete yet.

    Windows 7 is a UI and usability nightmare (compared to SL, although much better than Vista). What I do give credit to MS for is that its security model is rock solid (probably better than Linux and most Unixes). Mac OS X has fallen behind in security. This, however, is not that big an issue anymore, IMO, because all OS security is complex enough that attackers are relying on OS vulnerabilities less, and Social Engineering more to gain access. Again, Windows's bad (and more important in this context, horribly inconsistent over the years) UI has made its users more vulnerable to such attacks.

    "SL has cut and paste. CMD+X, CMD+V"

    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    "Windows 7 is a much better OS than its predecessors, but to claim it does the "little things" better than SL is so hilarious I don't know how to respond."

    Apparently you DID know how to respond... :)

    I love Snow Leopard. I use it EVERYDAY, right beside Windows 7. I wasn't saying that that one particular feature made it far superior - just that something so "small" really does effect the user experience.

    SL and Win 7 are both great... :]

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  • tirk
    Apr 22, 05:03 AM
    Tell you what Apple. Make a 128GB iPhone and I'll pay *you* for it, rather than paying my service provider for the extra downloads (that I can't even do when I'm on the Underground, or in much of my office building, or abroad on holiday...)

    You can already buy 64GB phones (http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxys2/html/specification.html) Apple. Don't get left behind. :eek:

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  • milo
    Sep 6, 08:03 AM
    Either way, what are you going to do with a HD version of the movie on your computer?

    HD is not going to happen, at least not next tuesday.

    Worth revisiting.

    The raw uncompressed bitrate for 720p = 1280*720*24bpp*30fps/(1024*1024) = 633 Mbps for 1080i it's ~711 Mbps 320x240 it's more like 53 Mbps.

    720p compressed in H.264 with 5.1 sound seems to work out to about 1100 MB for your typical 45 minute drama show (i.e. compressed down to ~3 Mbps). This compares to 200 MB for the same show from iTMS in 320x240 H.264 (700 kbps). Not bad when you consider that 720p has 12X as many pixels (1280/320=4, 720/240=3)

    Basically your typical movie would be about 2GB.


    So what would be the size for a decent encoding of 480 (p or i)? Basically about DVD quality, but with a more efficient codec, which is the most likely format for release next week.

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  • amols
    Jul 14, 02:11 PM
    Whoa!! I feel a lot better that MBP is not getting CPU upgrade anytime soon. I don't want my month-old MBP getting obsolete in another month.

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  • ctdonath
    Apr 4, 12:59 PM
    The scary thing is some of these people may be sitting on the jury if this ever happens to you. :eek:

    Take an LFI course (look it up). One benefit is things are arranged so if you are on such trial you can put the jury thru the same course so they will understand what happened from your point of view.

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  • twostep665
    Apr 4, 12:21 PM
    Interesting how a security guard is allowed to have a gun. Interesting to see what happens to him.

    He is gonna get a medal for bravery and service.

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  • zepharus
    Mar 22, 06:26 PM
    They better not have a major GPU update or Im going to punch a small kitten...

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 22, 05:06 AM
    Useless to me if it is just for iTunes purchases. Please focus on more important things, Apple.

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  • spencers
    Apr 12, 11:15 AM
    Don't pretend you actually care about 'open'. To you, 'open' simply means 'free'. I'm going to make a stab in the dark and make the logical assumption that all your '720p and 1080p media' is torrented videos. Please, correct me if I'm wrong

    To me, it just sounds like yet another person wanting everything but willing to pay nothing. What a sustainable model that is...

    Nah, I really don't care about open. No, I do not Torrent.
    I just want the technology available without having to buy more junk. I prefer the "one piece of hardware that does it all" approach. :p

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  • shartypants
    Apr 4, 12:48 PM
    Wow, a mall cop with a gun, glad he wasn't the one shot.

    Mar 30, 11:54 AM
    Lets sue the name "apple"

    "the compound noun 'apple' means simply ' a healthy object created by nature wich will give you pleasure and a longer life,' which is merely a definition of the thing itself--a generic characterization."

    Yep i have few of those...One is 24"

    Apr 30, 08:09 PM
    Here come the "My iMac's overheating" threads.

    Apple has been working on a method of spraying Liquidmetal to be used as a thermal component on the insides of the iMacs. Check out the link if you don't believe me.


    Sep 26, 07:58 AM
    I hope you will be able to by it 'sim free' in the uk, im not buying it if it an O2 exclusive and this will make me sad

    you will, just keep an eye on expansys.com and mphone.co.uk when (if) it's announced...

    Apr 25, 01:51 AM
    I really don't think it is necessary to call me or any member of my family "pathetic." There's nothing wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, if you do it for a valid purpose (such as teaching a crappy driver a lesson).

    nothing wrong? and what if she didnt swerve, hit you in the back, and the collision causes the death of, lets say, 1 or 2 people. but you, mr. safe driver felt obligated to teach her a lesson.

    Mar 30, 01:40 PM
    I agree that app store is a very generic term, but in order to avoid all the legal troubles and the money and time lost, why not just create your own name?

    Microsoft has their own name. I guess they are just trying to protect the descriptive nature of the term. "Microsoft Marketplace, the app store for Windows Phone 7".

    Microsoft does not intend to use the trademark.

    I don't get why Apple filed for such a descriptive mark anyway. iTunes App Store was what they called it at first, what was wrong with that ? iOS App Store would also save all these legal troubles. Apple App Store another that's perfectly fine.
