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  • asdf542
    Apr 14, 12:17 PM
    USB3=native to all platforms
    TB=Mac Only

    Sounds like TB just died.

    Might want to do a little research:,2817,2380954,00.asp

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  • bigandy
    Sep 26, 07:56 AM
    I hope it isn't O2, that would be a shame. To be honest, any network lockins would be bad.
    My vote would be Orange if I had the choice.

    I've found that through and i can get anything sim free, sometimes even before it's launched on the network.

    that's how i got my current smartphone.

    i REALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY hope its orange...

    as the choice of mobile phones they have at the moment is the poorest i have ever seen in the UK.

    ive been waiting on a p990i since march.....still dont have it on orange, was told yesterday it could be end of october now.

    i am gauranteed a free upgrade on any handset, so come one apple!!

    I got fed up waiting for the P990, and ended up getting a free upgrade to the SPV M600. I wasn't a fan (read "I loathed") Windows Mobile until I got this phone. It's fantastic.

    The only thing the P990 does that the SPV doesn't is video calling. And, to be honest, I've got a lot of friends with 3G phones, and not a single one has ever used the videophone feature.


    Negotiate Credit Card Debt. They are debt collection .
  • They are debt collection .

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 9, 11:32 AM
    You again with your ludicrous claims? What makes you think that Mac Pro is the fastest desktop there is? What is the secret ingredient that makes it faster than other machines, considering that it uses same components than others do? And since Mac Pro supports less RAM (16GB vs. 64GB) than Dell does (for example), how could you say that it's "the most powerful"? Compared to Dell, it will be dog-slow for tasks that require a lot of RAM.

    Now, I hate Windows and I use it at work because I have no choice. An there are plenty of bad things in it. But I don't get any BSODs. I really don't. Back when I used a desktop, I sometimes left the machine running for weeks and I had no problems.

    When was the last time you used Windows? Back in Windows ME-days?

    Seriously: I think you should take a chill-pill an dial-back that fanboyishness of yours.

    Evangelion, I was picking on Aiden (as I always do) and we are normally able to exchange silly arguments with no fighting...

    Could you just calm down and shut up for now? Really, go spend your posts on other need to worry about my "fanboy" behavior...after all, this is a forum devoted to Mac fans and please leave if you don't like it.

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  • MattyMac
    Sep 14, 11:42 AM
    I wish I was more into photography...I would probably be excited about this:rolleyes:

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Sep 5, 04:21 PM
    I think the notion that Apple is trying to get is like this senerio:
    Somebody who is bored on a Friday night with nothing better to do, who does not feel like driving out to the local video rental store. Howabout being able to download it on your computer for $4.99 for a 5 day rental.

    Seeing that I just got Batman Begins for $5 from Blockbuster, I think $4.99 to rent it a bit extreme.

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  • 7on
    Oct 27, 11:14 AM
    Also people fail to point out that we don't know the other company's contracts. Someone said that other booths had free range and were giving out things all around. For all we know they negotiated for a larger handout space. If companies like LaCie and Adobe threatened to pull from the show unless they could hand out things all over the expo I'm sure MacExpo would have allowed it. If did the same, MacExpo wouldn't have any problems with not giving them a booth. They could have easily handed out fliers across the street.

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  • linux2mac
    Mar 23, 03:26 PM
    As a long time PC user who is just getting frustrated with the windows experience, I am looking forward to seeing what Mac has to offer in the coming months.

    I picked up an Iphone 4 last december and when I had a problem, being able to go to a retail location where they looked at my device for 5 minutes and then gave me a new one was great.

    My wife is a mac user, and being able to go to a retail location for problems just can't be beaten.

    Now I must say, I have been a Dell person all my life, heck I am currently typing this on my 6 year old dell laptop that still works fine by me. Hell, she will still be fine for fitting my laptop needs. I have been using her primarily has a desktop hooked up to many many peripherals as well as a 2nd screen for dual output.

    In replacing her I have been eyeing the smaller Imac for some time now, hooking up a second screen output, and grabbing a magic trackpad that I enjoyed playing with at the Apple Store.

    Anything larger than 22 or so inches would be overkill for me, as I am planning for at least two screens. Heck I think I am just using a 19 inch crt monitor that is 11 years old and my 15 inch laptop screen right now.

    So a nice high quality screen with a 2nd monitor for surfing and chat room utilization would be all I need. My backup thought is a mac mini with two screens, but the Mac Mini's appear to be much lower specs when compared with the Imac.

    *1st post

    I converted to Linux in 2007 and Mac in 2009 after using Windows since version 3.1 and don't miss a thing! It's true what they say "Mac's just work."

    Negotiate Credit Card Debt. Negotiating credit card debt
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  • Mal67
    Mar 23, 09:11 AM
    Come on Mac Mini update; well overdue for a refresh. That Core 2 Duo is keeping me from buying.

    Waiting for this one too! Hurry up Apple.

    Negotiate Credit Card Debt. In the past the credit card
  • In the past the credit card

  • gugy
    Sep 6, 12:08 AM
    Don't forget the 42" HD monitor Apple will drop at the event. What else did you think Apple would let you watch a movie on? (beside your iPod of course)

    Bring it on!

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  • myca
    Mar 23, 04:04 PM
    I will be tempted by new 27" imac once they hit, got some in our office a few weeks ago and they are lovely machines, and as much as I'd prefer a mac pro, they really beyond what I need from a machine (and the price).

    I would like to know if the new thunderbolt port can still do the target display mode, as if I get one I'd be getting rid of my two old 22" displays and I'd want to have my windows rig running through the display for certain things.

    I heard lame snide remarks like yours when USB first showed up. "Only Macs have it! Are you sure compatible devices will arrive within 22 years? What USB devices are you planning to buy? When will they be available?" You don't even have the name right. Meh.

    It was similar with the introduction of firewire, it took a while for peripherals to make use of the connection, and whenever rumours of it being dropped come around some users (myself included) are up in arms.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 14, 12:15 PM
    My prediction:

    MacBook Pro:
    2 15" and 1 17" model with 2.16 and 2.33 GHz Merom
    1 GB RAM standdard, up to 3 or 4 GB
    100 and 120 GB HDD's, up to 160 GB
    8x DVD+/-RW DL drives for all
    X1600 Pro in low-end 15" and X1800 Pro/XT in hi-end 15" and 17"
    FW800 on all models
    Magnetic latch (no integrated keyboard)
    Expresscard/54 slot on all models
    $1899 - $2299 - $2499

    I love the way you think. The price seems low, but I wouldn't complain. :)

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  • of credit card debt simple

  • kaneda
    Aug 31, 09:16 PM
    new ipod celphone.....celphone w/ a hard drive...w/ widescreen...sync w/ your itunes, iphotos, imovie, address book, mobile ichat...:)

    Time to get a new cel-phone..499 for 60gb...

    Negotiate Credit Card Debt. with credit card debt
  • with credit card debt

  • WillEH
    Apr 25, 08:29 AM
    Sounds like he doesn't drive, and just wanted this topic for attention. But I could be wrong..

    On the other note. You wonder why insurance for young/new drivers is so high. :rolleyes:

    I'm taking my test on the 24th May (UK), my insurance has been quoted to me at ?1700.00 for the year. This is because I am male, and 20. So I must be a "racer boy"... I'm not sure what it's like in America. But the reason I get quoted that kind of insurance is because of drivers like you. It's very irresponsible of you to drive like that, and then brag about it. But I don't think it even happened.

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  • MrFirework
    Oct 27, 03:37 PM
    Am I the only one who thinks this is a non-story? You want to raise my eyebrows?... show me a time that Greenpeace, PITA or any of those other wack-o groups behaves like a bunch of grown-ups and doesn't get thrown out. Here's a headline:

    Greenpeace Attends Apple Expo, Spreads Message of Environmental Responsablility Through Logical Debate and Sound Logic

    Now, THAT's a headline...

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  • Unpaid credit card debt could

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 10:30 AM
    I thought this was an FCC mandate (to track GPS information for cellphones) after 9/11.

    Not the date 9/11. Location is mandated for E911, the emergency call number.

    However, in ATT's case, that location is determined on the carrier side alone, not by way of the phone itself as is done on say, Verizon.

    Agree to that, but why is it being collected without permission?

    If it's not sent anywhere, then it's almost certainly a simple programmer screwup, leaving in test code.

    The data is actually collected by cell tower triangulation, not GPS.

    To use the cell method (and I doubt it's triangulation - but that's a different topic), the cell id must be sent to Apple's location server, which then returns the computed general center of that cell, which is in an area about 1/3 of the tower's coverage.

    The claim is that no data is going back and forth while the location is being collected, which makes no sense unless every iPhone has a huge cell database stored or cached internally. (Possible.)

    Negotiate Credit Card Debt. Does It Hurt a Credit Rating .
  • Does It Hurt a Credit Rating .

  • MattyMac
    Sep 9, 10:17 AM
    I want to see some unpacking pics of that 24inch model compared with the 20in. Soon enough I suppose.

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  • Negotiate with credit card

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 01:51 PM
    Whats the speed of thunderbolt? and will it be faster then sata 3.0

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  • Drowning in Debt? No Credit

  • TheManOfSilver
    Sep 4, 09:09 PM
    I'd be surprised if Apple did anything with TV tuners.

    With the variety of TV services that people have (analog cable, digital cable, satellite TV, Verizon's TV over fiber, terrestrial HDTV), coming up with a device that can tune most folks TV doesn't sound easy, even for Apple.

    There may be lots of TV options out there, but right now Apple isn't servicing any of them. They're losing potential business to 3rd Party companies like Elgato. If they released a simple box with analog/digital standard/hidef options, they would be servicing the overwhelming majority of the market (most digital, satelite and other special services require set-top boxes anyway).

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  • portishead
    May 3, 10:54 AM
    SATA III? And if so on all of them or is optical still II like the laptops?

    This is what I want to know also. OCZ Vertex III!

    Sep 27, 12:35 AM
    If I had to guess as to why Apple would go with an exclusive provider to start, I would say so as to play hardball with the network providers.

    Apple doesn't want to gum their pretty phones up with provider ick-ware like other manufacturers have to (just like it didn't want to e.g. 'Intel Inside' its pretty boxes), so they make a deal whereas in exchange for initial exclusivity Cingular agrees to relent control over the phones software and services (so that it say interfaces with the iTunes store for music and tones not Cingular's store: although I'm sure the service provider will charge the full market rate for data transfer). Then when the iPhone becomes a huge hit the other providers won't have any choice if they want to get on board as well.

    I don't see why Apple would start a virtual operator, because they have no interest in getting into the service provider game. They can get what they really want - an opt-out of the cruddy operator system in the US especially - through market weight alone.

    Sep 12, 03:22 PM
    Apple has a 10 day return policy if they updated a product you just bought within 10 days. They will give you a full refund, or cash difference if the price is lowered (which it is)

    Jul 14, 12:36 PM
    From what I can tell Merom is just a Conroe that can operate at a lower TDP. They're all just fabricated off the same piece of silicon. (Someone posted an image on this.)

    That's right. Even Woodcrest is part of the same family. They're just designed and engineered for different purposes (mobile, desktop, server).

    What's missing to me is the uniform marketing scheme to help sell potential customers. Intel has Centrino Duo currently, presumably Centrino 2 Duo (terrible name, in my opinion) for Merom, Core 2 Duo/Extreme (equally terrible) for Conroe, but I haven't heard anything for Woodcrest. Xeon Duo? Xeon Core 2? I have no idea.

    The point is that they all have a lot in common, but it's easy to get confused, and Intel isn't really helping at this point. Where are the marketing people to get it right? At least Apple's scheme is somewhat better--Mac Mini, iMac, Mac Pro--more clearly defined segmentation in my opinion.

    Sep 26, 07:54 AM
    That artists rendition posted on the front page is pointless. It's not as though that is the actual design. It looks too Nano-ish, and even the Nano look has changed.

    Anyway, I'm not excited about an iPhone. It would need to give me at least one neat feature for this to be worth drooling over.

    Mar 29, 03:47 PM
    Oracle's lawsuit against Google is airtight. Android's use of a non-compliant virtual machine (the Dalvik VM) is a clear violation of the Java license agreement. And there's legal precedent: Microsoft paid Sun $20 million back in 2001 when Sun successfully sued them for trying to "embrace, extend, and extinguish" Java.

    Google will lose the lawsuit. And nobody has ever accused Larry Ellison of being Mr. Nice Guy. He doesn't want money this time. He wants to protect the intellectual property Oracle acquired from Sun. He wants all copies of Android to be "impounded and destroyed" (a direct quote from text of the suit.) Because if Google is allowed to plagiarize and distort Java, others will follow. Ellison is making an example of Google, and it's going to be a law school textbook IP case study for the ages.

    Soon Android will be off the market while Google is forced to retool their JVM to be 100% Java compliant. Google is already scrambling to get rid of their non-compliant Dalvik VM. They actually hired James Gosling, the "inventor" of Java, so they've got religion now.

    And, although money isn't the motivating factor behind the Oracle lawsuit, it is a factor nonetheless. Google will end up paying Oracle a license fee for each and every generic me-too Android iPhone clone and iPad clone that their hardware partners can mash up. And that erases Android's only advantage over WP7. Android will no longer be free.

    So, when Android is off the market, Nokia's WP7 phones will have a chance to avoid becoming KIN 2.0. There will be a window of opportunity for Nokia and Microsoft to build up a little market share. Some corporations and consumers will buy Nokia WP7 phones just because Nokia and Microsoft are "too big to die." (And just when Google thinks it's safe, when they've implemented a 100% compliant JVM, Apple can sue them for GUI patent infringement. But that's another story...)

    In the meantime, both WP7 and Nokia will have zero market presence. For all of 2011 and part of 2012. That's an eternity.

    Even if Google loses any patent lawsuit, the phone wont go off the market.
