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  • aswitcher
    Aug 31, 06:06 PM
    Are we going to have live MR Coverage of the event? :)

    It would be pretty awesome if they streamed it live to anyone with iTunes as either an audio or video cast.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. hotel in covent garden
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  • Macnoviz
    Sep 5, 02:28 AM

    What is this....

    comes up with


    You don't have permission to access /movies on this server.

    What might this mean is where they keep the movies that stream on the site (like the get a mac ads)
    you normally can't browse to them, but if you look at the page info using Firefox, you can see on a page where the media is located. That's how you can download those movies withouth getting quicktime pro

    Travelodge Covent Garden. Gallery, Covent Garden,
  • Gallery, Covent Garden,

  • kasei
    Sep 19, 06:35 PM
    This is great news. I guess the more we buy the faster we will see other studios with better movies. I guess I will take the plung and buy a movie today.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. near Covent Garden, Jo,
  • near Covent Garden, Jo,

  • feddy84
    Mar 29, 01:15 PM
    i wouldnt be suprised, apple is heading for the same thing they did with mac vs pc battle. they are 1 company, that means they can be VERY succesfull with introducing new products but in the end they cant keep up when the other companys throw in their overdrive. just watch not with duelcore android phones. coming halv a year before "iphone 5" if thats even gonne get released. android or wp7 is going to be the dominant mobile operating system withing a few years cause they arent closed systems.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. Covent Garden,
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  • cheunghy
    Sep 5, 08:44 AM
    Apple Store Hong Kong is still up...

    Travelodge Covent Garden. minutes from Covent Garden
  • minutes from Covent Garden

  • jmann
    Nov 13, 10:27 PM
    Actually, Adobe DOES license their icons, formats, etc. for Apple and Microsoft to use in programs, operating systems, etc. So if Apple come out with an app, like the MobileMe iDisk, then I'm sure that they can use them. It's just hypocritical of Apple to not do the same for developers.

    That's interesting, I didn't know they did that. That's nice that they let them use the icons. I guess it reminds people go out and buy photoshop. :)

    Travelodge Covent Garden. King Cross, Covent Garden
  • King Cross, Covent Garden

  • Squire
    Sep 5, 06:16 AM
    If anyone at Apple HQs is listening, please give us a revved up/priced down MBP. Merom + 160 GB/7200 rpm hdd at $1999 would be sweet. I don't care to watch movies on anything less than a 50" screen, and I sure as hell am not moved to tears by an 8GB nano that is priced at 75% of a regular iPod. C'mon Apple, it's not too late!

    If they release MacBook Pros, I wonder if the top end models will come with a Blu-ray option. I know people have dismissed this before but I just noticed that Sony has released "The world's first Blu-Ray disc enabled notebook." Will the 17" MBP be next?


    Travelodge Covent Garden. was Covent Garden but all
  • was Covent Garden but all

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 29, 11:25 AM
    Microsoft should work on perfecting windows before starting a mobile OS

    Travelodge Covent Garden. and Covent Garden by day
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  • iStudentUK
    Apr 10, 11:07 AM
    Not quite true that "Europeans" have a minimum wage of $18/hour. Remember conditions in the UK, France, Germany, Spain etc will be quite different to say Romania and Slovakia (but they will still have minimum standards set by the EU).

    Later this year the UK minimum wage will be ?6.08 for adults. That's $9.96 today, so $10. Presuming 5 day working week the minimum holiday amount is 28 days (5.6 weeks). The employer can control when you take time off, but can't be silly about it.

    Loads of other stuff as well makes it complex. For example, you must either have 24 continual hours off in a 7 day period or 48 continual hours in 14.

    Remember, we have high taxes (~20% VAT etc) but better public services in general. The UK average house price is ?232k ($380k), I understand your average is ~$280k.

    Swings and roundabouts!

    Travelodge Covent Garden. Museum Covent Garden and.
  • Museum Covent Garden and.

  • richard.mac
    Apr 22, 01:56 AM
    …store songs they’ve purchased from its iTunes store, as well as others songs stored on their hard drives, and listen to them on multiple devices

    yes! was hoping it would not be only songs purchased from the iTunes Store. will probably be a subscription service with Mobile Me, but if it was only iTunes purchased songs then that would be a deal breaker.

    streaming original masters of the song to prevent uploading is very smart, but will probably be only for iTunes purchased songs.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. site in Covent Garden at
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  • MacinDoc
    Sep 10, 12:04 AM
    2) I hear there is going to be TONS of problems seeing as how it's going to be the first of Rev B. Models. Any truth to that?
    With the exception of firmware updates, Merom is a drop-in replacement for Yonah, so, architecturally, there should be few changes. There will likely be a few case changes to incoporate the magnetic latch and easy drive swapping. With such minor changes, these laptops are no more likely to have problems than other laptop. According to Consumer Reports (, the industry rate of repairs on laptops is 16-19%, with Apple coming in at 17% (considerably worse than its repair rate for desktops). So, there is about a 1 in 6 chance that your MBP will need repairs at some time.
    That would be great but honestly, after all the updates this week, i don't think its gonna happen.

    So a few more months before Apple makes *my* MBP 15". Sadly.
    Well, Steve had to hold SOMETHING back to announce on the 12th. I don't think he wants a repeat of the iPod HiFi/leather case announcement, where people were saying, "Is that all?". I figure it has to either be updated laptops or AidenShaw's minitower. Well, in a few more days, we'll all know.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. The Covent Garden Hotel
  • The Covent Garden Hotel

  • OllyW
    Mar 30, 11:57 AM
    That is great coming from a company who has Windows trade marked.


    The other company has got Apple trade marked. They are both in common use but are protected when used in the computer industry.

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  • Unspeaked
    Sep 14, 09:56 AM
    If Apple DOES introduce C2D MacBook Pros at this, it will have to totally redesign the case to make it "invite event" worthy.

    If all that's being changed is the processor, or minor cae changes (like the addition of FW800 across the line), it will simply be done in silent, overnight fashion as was the case with the iMac update.

    That being said, I don't see such a radical case design this soon. That seems more like something where they'd like to focus on the computer itself, which wouldn't happen as part of a photo show.

    Why do people seem convinced Apple won't release something like an SLR or video camera?

    Also, there's always a chance that in addition to an Aperture update, we'll get TOTALLY NEW photo software; remember what happened with Final Cut Pro - first came it and then came a slew of other video products from Apple.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. hotel near Covent Garden
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  • gloss
    Sep 26, 08:59 AM
    Yeah, this is pretty exciting news. I had already planned to call Verizon this morning to see when my contract is up.

    EDIT: $175 termination fee per phone and a good while to go on the contract. Yeouch! I may just have to keep my fingers crossed that Verizon Wireless gets the iPhone late next year.

    Yeah, the termination fee is harsh, but I'm honestly not sure I could last another year and a half without throwing my Razr into a trash compactor. I like the phone, but the god-awful interface that Verizon loads onto it is another story.

    A cell phone should NOT require hard reboots.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. hotel near Covent Garden
  • hotel near Covent Garden

  • JobsRules
    Oct 27, 10:38 AM
    Ok, this I honestly didn't see, and if true, then warrants a serious reprimand of any organisation at Mac Expo!! I hope that the reason they were ejected was something like this, and not just handing out leaflets in the wrong area, like I was led to believe from the thread so far!

    I wouldn't like anyone taking photos of my child without permission, and if true then Greenpeace have behaved irresponsibly!

    But that could also mean that someone took a photo of a baby with an Apple with consent and that was chinese whispered by an anti-Greenpeace voice to, 'Yeah, y'know, I even saw them putting this apple in a kid's pram and...'

    Here are the 'roudy violent millitants' we're talking about.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. Winter from the Travelodge
  • Winter from the Travelodge

  • eawmp1
    Apr 25, 07:46 AM
    EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.


    Ah, faulty genetics.

    This explains your behavior on the roadd AND a lot of your postings in MacRumors.

    Travelodge Covent Garden. Travelodge Aldgate East Hotel
  • Travelodge Aldgate East Hotel

  • spicyapple
    Sep 9, 01:38 AM
    Is 20% speed improvement a lot for a core 2 designation?

    Travelodge Covent Garden. Travelodge Aldgate East Hotel
  • Travelodge Aldgate East Hotel

  • GoodWatch
    May 3, 02:23 PM
    Nice pieces of kit. Would this put the top of the line iMacs in the realm of professional photographers who have to do a lot of post processing? Or is the monitor not up to scratch for that? I can see huge external RAID arrays equipped with Thunderbolt to cater for the safe storage of large amounts of RAW files :D

    Travelodge Covent Garden. Travelodge London Tower Bridge
  • Travelodge London Tower Bridge

  • pika2000
    Mar 22, 03:12 PM
    Great timing as I'll be itching for an upgrade soon from my 2008 iMac. Thing is, why can't Apple make a model in between the 21" and 27". Maybe a 24". I have a 20" iMac, and I want larger screen for my next one, but 27" is just too big. 24" would be nice.

    Sep 10, 08:24 AM
    It seems the people who were mad about the intel switch are getting quieter and quieter... ;)

    Apr 4, 12:57 PM
    Handgun users (either for private use or professional use) are taught to shoot center mass. The head shot was most likely a stray round and not intentionally. This guy was probably aiming center mass.

    How could you aim for the center mass not in the head if the person was sitting in a car (likely still firing at the guard while attempting to get away)? From article:

    The male suspects and their alleged female accomplice then got into a silver Acura that crashed while still inside the shopping center's parking lot, Facicci said, noting that one of the men was driving and he died in the crash. He appears to have been killed by a bullet that went through the passenger window, Chula Vista Police said.

    Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 04:17 PM
    I just watched the stream. Not before Christmas. Jobs made it pretty clear that these updates and new iPods are the holiday product line up.

    That's just sad. Incredibly, incredibly sad.

    Guess I'll go hit ebay for a 4th gen 20 gig since the 5th gen offers nothing new (4:3 2 inch screen video playback is not a "feature") and this 'update' offers even less.

    I'd be surprised if Apple sells HALF the number of iPods this holiday season vs. last.

    Apr 11, 04:15 PM
    wtf, my bike gets in the low 40s! and it weighs 4xxlbs!

    Its a diesel ;). But I guess it also shows how crazy US emissions regulations are.

    Mar 22, 01:48 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Psyched! Late April, Early Nay would be perfect timing for me to pick up a brand new iMac. :)
