lady gaga poker face album

lady gaga poker face album. Recording from Lady GaGa#39;s
  • Recording from Lady GaGa#39;s

  • -SD-
    Aug 4, 03:34 PM
    Sony has revealed the European GT5 Signature and Collector's Editions (

    The Signature Edition will retail for €179.99 :eek:, and includes:

    lady gaga poker face album. for Lady Gaga - Poker Face
  • for Lady Gaga - Poker Face

  • twoodcc
    Nov 28, 08:17 PM
    Won't happen.

    yeah, i hope you're right. just doesn't seem right

    lady gaga poker face album. lady gaga poker face album
  • lady gaga poker face album

  • iPad 2
    Apr 11, 11:26 AM
    If they're going to make us wait an extra four months for the iPhone with a 4" screen and 4G, I'm hoping that atleast the iOS overhaul will be worthwhile.

    iOS desperately needs a file system that you can use to drag and drop media into. Not like on a Mac where you see system files and other stuff, but just a users home folder. A place that all apps can access and load and save files from/to. That way if I have a document it doesn't have to exist inside of each app in order to access it. (1 copy in DropBox, 1 in Pages, 1 in DocsToGo, etc.) Also it means that Apples apps would be able to share files with DropBox or any other file syncing service. Then get rid of the file sharing in iTunes and instead just have the disk show up as an external drive. And please let us drag and drop videos and photos from any PC directly into the iPhone's video/photos folder without having to go through iTunes and syncing everything. It sucks that we can't just simply drag and drop a photo from a friend's computer into the Phone. When plugged in, allow W7/OSX to recognize and use the iPhone as a 32GB/64GB Mass/USB Storage Device with access to the file system.

    Adding a file system would let us Add (via Bluetooth, iTunes apps, Dropbox and other Apps), Delete and Rename Music, Videos from our iPhones directly. It would let us download files from Safari(or other apps) and store them on the phone in a centralized location, then be able to access them without Safari on my Mac/PC for easy file sharing/swapping. And it would let us organize the 100+ photos and videos on our iPhones into separate folders/albums. It would even let us delete individual text messages and phone calls. And most importantly it would let us organize videos, music, photos (into albums), and documents (PDF, DOC, PAGES), and other files and easily add them as email attachments directly on the phone itself.

    iOS also desperately needs an overhaul of notifications...

    Regarding notifications, how about something like this:

    iOS notifications concept
    by Andreas
    March 18, 2011

    There are a lot of really great concepts for iPhone notifications, but they all seem to stray away from what is the look and feel of iOS. So my idea is pretty simple, I have created a concept using only the existing graphical resources of iOS, short of a few few exceptions. But I still feel that they are in bounds of the visual philosophy.

    Let’s get the obvious out of the bag first, the notification system in place today is kind of intrusive. The popups are so in my face that I have pretty much opted out of every notification I can. There is however another way to inform the user of an event such as an incoming message. The app switcher popup isn’t quite as intrusive as the current popup. It would be great to use for notifications.

    Note that this popup is smaller then the app switcher and it doesn't grey out the rest of the interface
    Today apple use it to display active applications and if you scroll left they show controls for the iPod app. I think there is room for the last notification you received also.

    The app icon is basically a mash up of the settings icon and the current notifications symbol in settings. The reason for this that I feel that notifications is system service.

    When I started thinking about how to improve the notification system I felt almost immediately that Apple is all about apps, so why not make an app that handles this task.

    Take Settings for example, one would think that the entrance to this would be more integrated into the system, but in Apples case they view it as just any other app. Therefore you as a user can choose whether this is important to you or not, i.e. noteworthy of a first page placement or even quick launch bar.

    Having one app that handles all notifications also reduce the time you have to spend hunting them all in various apps.

    iPhone with notifications
    Notice that it summarize all the notifications and then present them in the red indicator badge. The great thing about having notifications in an app is that you can move it around just as you can with all other standard apps.
    The app itself is very straight forward. Your notifications is structured in three simple views. The first is a list view in order to get an overview. The second is an extended view where you can read the full messages just like in an RSS news feed. And the third is notifications grouped by app, this way if you get 10 mails and 15 Facebook wall posts you can still find your 2 SMS messages quickly.

    In all views you can also clear all notifications. Note that this only clears the notification, the actual messages is still there. You can also choose edit and delete specific notifications or groups.

    When you press (or touch) any of the specific notifications you will automatically activate the appropriate action. For example:

    lady gaga poker face album. Lady Gaga#39;s quot;Poker Face.
  • Lady Gaga#39;s quot;Poker Face.

  • daneoni
    Aug 27, 05:54 PM
    I was just checking out the CD vs C2D comparison at Anandtech, pretty interesting stuff.

    My question is this, is Santa Rosa strictly the mobile platform? I'm a student holding off for an iMac revision, and am wondering if apple utilizes Conroe in the iMac, will the faster FSB's be supported? Is an updated platform already available for Conroe? (I guess I had more than one question )


    Santa Rosa is for mobile platforms only. As far as i can tell the Conroe chips already have a rich FSB by default 1066MHz i think. Apple may use conroe and may use merom but conroe is looking to be the slated candidate.

    lady gaga poker face album. lady gaga poker face album
  • lady gaga poker face album

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 02:47 PM
    I am sorry, but it is... 150 million people is a small market compared to the other +6 billion people. Europe alone is more than 700 million people...

    Well only about 1.25bil out of the +6 actually have cell service and I'd suspect only about 300mil in Eurpoe use cell phones (according to estimates 291mil in Europe use the internet... I'd assume cell usage is similiar).

    And factor in that the US, Canada and many of the other countries with CDMA service are amongst the most wealthy in the world. Those +150mil customers are nothing to sneeze at.

    lady gaga poker face album. Lady Gaga will be acting as
  • Lady Gaga will be acting as

  • gnasher729
    Jul 20, 01:21 PM
    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.


    The power consumption of a chip is proportional to the clock speed, multiplied by the voltage squared. So at the same voltage, a hypothetical 24 GHz chip would use eight times as much power as a single 3 GHz chip, and the same as eight 3 GHz chips.

    However, with any given technology, you need higher voltage to achieve the higher clock speed. So with the same technology, that 24 GHz chip would need much much higher voltage than the 3 GHz chips and accordingly it would take much more energy than eight 3 GHz chips.

    As an example, some iPods have two ARM chips running at half the clock speed and lower power instead of a single ARM chip running at higher speed, in order to safe power.

    lady gaga poker face album. Lady GaGa#39;s #39;Poker Face#39;
  • Lady GaGa#39;s #39;Poker Face#39;

  • Consultant
    Apr 11, 11:36 AM
    We'll see in a few months.

    Apple has never been one to react to competition in the recent years. They seem to do what they think is best and let others follow them.

    I think they know that if they bring out the best one when it is released, they will sell as many as they can make for a long time.


    lady gaga poker face album. lady gaga poker face album
  • lady gaga poker face album

  • Parikh1234
    Aug 25, 02:57 PM
    I have had no luck today getting two batteries replaced. I enter their serial numbers and it tells me they are not valid serials, even though they fall within the range. When I call the support number and hit 5, i just get a busy tone and it hangs up on me.

    lady gaga poker face album. I ? Lady Gaga!! wanna
  • I ? Lady Gaga!! wanna

  • morespce54
    Aug 11, 12:18 PM
    Using TimeMachine, Steve is going to release it two years ago.

    LOL !!!!!!! Stop it !!!!! :D

    lady gaga poker face album. Lady+gaga+poker+face+album
  • Lady+gaga+poker+face+album

  • MrCrowbar
    Aug 26, 10:21 PM
    Yes, and as someone has already pointed out, if the Core2 can do 20% better with the same power, can't you just throttle your new Core2 MBP down 20% and get a laptop with the same performance of your old one with 20% better battery life?

    Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. :rolleyes:

    You won't get 20% more battery life unless the screens and other components don't get more power efficient too. I think 7% battery life increase is more realistic. You can already upgrade todays macbooks with more RAM (saves HDD work) and more efficient HDDs. With the screen brightness down, I get 6 and a half hours of text editing out of that thing.

    lady gaga poker face album. +of+lady+gaga+poker+face
  • +of+lady+gaga+poker+face

  • gnasher729
    Jul 23, 06:41 PM
    A Quad 2.3 for $1999 ... not going to happen.

    Even the cheapest configuration of Dell Precision 490 Workstartion ( with dual 2.3 Woodcrests comes out to $2348. This includes 1GB RAM, 80GB SATA drive, and 128MB nVidia Quadro NVS 285 2D graphics.

    Apple prices are typically a few hundred $ higher. I am guessing it will be more like $2699 with a larger hard drive and better graphics.

    That's what Kentsfield is for. It is a single quad core chip, which is expected to fit into the cheaper motherboards for Conroe instead of the much more expensive motherboards for Woodcrest.

    Two recent quotes: On their earnings release, Apple said that they are on track to finish the Intel transition by the end of the year. And Intel said that Kentsfield will be available in the last quarter of this year. A single chip Woodcrest is nonsense (much more expensive than Conroe at same performance). Complete line with dual chip times dual core Woodcrest is too expensive for the cheapest mode. By waiting for Kentsfield, Apple can avoid designing two motherboards and still have quad cores.

    lady gaga poker face album. Lady Gaga - Poker Face ( Album
  • Lady Gaga - Poker Face ( Album

  • Reach
    Apr 12, 03:18 PM
    You could use an app to turn it into a file first.

    That's what effectively happens anyway...

    I could, yes, but I'd prefer not to. :p

    Anyway, Takeshi Kitano rules. :D

    lady gaga poker face album. Poker Face Lady Gaga
  • Poker Face Lady Gaga

  • seany916
    Aug 27, 10:30 AM
    Hecubus Pro,

    I was distraught, and, as a huge gamer (not fat, just a video game fan )

    That was funny! :D :p

    lady gaga poker face album. lady gaga poker face album
  • lady gaga poker face album

  • aimbdd
    Apr 7, 11:06 PM
    Just like nikon pulled their d7000 from best buy? :P

    Accept they were pulled for selling them early.

    Not that i minded getting it 3 days early :D

    lady gaga poker face album. Lady GaGa - Poker Face
  • Lady GaGa - Poker Face

  • tripleanica
    Nov 29, 01:29 PM
    real music lovers buy their music in order the support great artists. i don't buy crap from the people at universal. nor do i expect to give them money when i buy an ipod.

    lady gaga poker face album. Remixes� album, Lady Gaga
  • Remixes� album, Lady Gaga

  • Tundraboy
    Apr 27, 10:11 AM
    Hilarious!!!!! We're not tracking you but we're going to provide a patch soon.......typical Apple response......just DENY!!!!!

    There is no antenna issue with the iPhone 4 but we'll give you a free bumper for a limited time, act quickly while supplies last LMAO!!!!!

    lady gaga poker face album. Album: Lady GAGA
  • Album: Lady GAGA

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 11:26 AM
    I really don't harbor any hope that this could really be considered as royalty payment by the courts, it was just a little fantasy.

    The real implication is on the moral front. You mentioned "group think" and I think that is the real danger for the record labels. If enough people were to convince themselves that the record label has grabbed enough money upfront, then they could step across the moral line that keeps them from piracy.

    It's not law enforcement, or the actions of RIAA, that prevents the vast majority from crossing the line into piracy, it's their own built-in moral objection to it.

    If the record labels remove this moral hurdle through their own actions, then there are not enough police officers, federal agencies, or private enforcement groups to even begin to stem the resulting piracy wave.

    Uhhh... right. :eek:

    lady gaga poker face album. �Poker Face� by Lady Gaga
  • �Poker Face� by Lady Gaga

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 03:54 PM
    You're absolutely right. Better than the junk in the app store. At the end of the day there aren't that many QUALITY apps on ipad either. I know because I have one.

    "Junk?" You're hilarious. Show me a single Honeycomb app that compares to GarageBand. Keynote. Pages. OmniFocus. Swords & Sworcery. Djay. The list goes on and on. Enjoy your widgets. It's too bad for your wife you don't know how to find and download good iPad apps for her.

    lady gaga poker face album. the album, the Poker Face
  • the album, the Poker Face

  • peharri
    Aug 11, 01:10 PM
    If Apple does decide they're going to compete with, rather than cooperate with, existing cellphone manufacturers, they will lose their dominance over online music.

    They have to cooperate with cellphone manufacturers because MP3 playing cellphones will end up being the future of portable music. Apple cannot make its own phone and expect to have even 10% of the entire market. Without its dominant market share, the iTMS will end up looking less attractive to the music industry - an industry already, by all accounts, upset with and wanting to get away from, iTMS - and will be deserted faster than you can say "90% of phones support Windows Media".

    I don't believe this story. It doesn't make sense. Jobs crowing over a new product which by rights ought to be veiled in secrecy strikes me as insane. Apple producing a cellphone strikes me as insane. If I were a shareholder, I'd be calling up Steve Jobs personally and demanding answers.

    That said, if it's any good, it's quadband, and supports EDGE and Bluetooth (and maybe UMA if the carriers can get their fingers out), I might buy one.

    Mar 31, 04:45 PM
    I don't think it is evil. It is crazy for people to pretend like Google makes Android to be benevolent and help the world. They have financial motives, and they have to protect their interests. Removing Google as search is probably going to be a huge no-no. It is kind of dumb that anyone has even tried to do that... That is part of the problem. Some of the carriers/manufacturers are stupid.

    They have disrespected what Google has done for them and forced Google to clamp down. When someone gives you something for free and does a lot of work for you, you can at least respect their position and understand when you do things that might be stepping on their toes.

    That is the real problem with the android commodity market though. It is not google, it is all the second rate manufacturers who sucked at making smartphones before Apple and Google, and continue to do dumb things to this day.

    You mix a more general usage based OS with a hardware marketplace filled with knuckleheads, and you end up with the mess that is the Android hardware market and ecosystem.

    That was a hoot changing the search to Bing. Only thing gutsier would be to somehow replace every admob ad to a competitor.

    I wouldn't leave Google completely blameless here. They knew who they were dealing with. They need eyeballs to sell (ad business) so they made their bed. Same reason why the software marketplace on android sucks, they designed it for their bottom line (eyeballs). They aren't making a product for people to use, they're making a channel to deliver a product (eyeballs) to their customers (advertisers).

    Aug 11, 10:37 AM
    "...Earlier than some may be expecting"??

    Wasn't everyone expecting this a year ago?

    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 12:27 PM
    I guess you missed the part where the one that is being shown is a certified copy.

    Maybe?? For someone who isn't a birther, you sure sound like one.

    Apparently the short form wasn't convincing enough...which is why the long form has now been presented.
    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will. It's one thing to doubt that the certificate is legitimate. It's quite another to believe that the certificate is not legitimate.

    Apr 11, 11:14 PM
    So you really think it's just a handful of people on Macrumors?

    Oh, and people I know.

    So, how many do you think? Less than 10? Less than 100? What is your definition of "a lot"? Also please note I never said it was any kind of majority of FCP users or anything like that. I never said it was an industry-wide pandemic, although you'd like to put those words into my mouth as well. You'd also like to paint my claim that "a lot of pros are leaving FCP" as "combative", even though it's not. It's just an observation. I don't know why you're taking it so personally.

    I'd say 25% of the current user base would be a lot.

    Nov 28, 06:51 PM
    Adds universal to the list of Companies I do not buy from..


    They are already on that list!

    GTH Universal! I bought my iPod, Every song on it, and will continue to do so. Stop Extorting the public, and possibly you may actually have some fans, or people that want to deal with your crappy company!
